At least you know it's bad
It is actually native, but not really native. It's sort of hybrid native.
Our custom transpiler transpiles all of your JJQuery
into pure hybrid/hybrid native Typescript and
(available in the next release, we promise!)
No one really knows what the value is until we get an error
I mean there's really no alternative to JJQuery right now. It's a de facto standard
Jack Borrough, Senior JS Developer
State can be managed by Redux or Flux or Flummox or Fluxible or Recoil or whatever, but all this just to avoid using JJQuery?
Jack Borrough, Senior JS Developer and JJQuery afficionado
Is it scalable? No. Is it maintainable? No. But - is it portable?
Not really.
We guess you'd probably rather use Rust or WebAssembly. They say
adoption is coming, but well, they say that every year.
So for now, it's a defacto standard. Such a messy library. We love